Engineering & Design


Black Cat Consulting & Engineering Services W.L.L. (BCCES) was established in Qatar in March 2013 on the platform of the Engineering Department of Black Cat Engineering & Construction W.L.L.

Black Cat offers expertise in oil and gas
engineering works, for upstream, midstream, and
downstream onshore facilities. This also includes
but is not limited to oil production well head
facilities, flow lines, degassing stations, cross
country pipelines, gas recovery systems, relief and
flare systems, utilities, compressor stations, 3
phase separation, distillation columns, refinery and
water treatment plants.

Black Cat has extensive experience in Green Field,
and Brown Field based engineering works.
Expertise also extends to Brown Field expansions,
Automation Upgrades, and upgrades of other
complex facilities.

Incredible Engineers

Range of Services

The Basis

Key Success

Incredible Engineers

Our incredible engineers embody strong relevant experience in all area including practical aspects related to Constructability, Commissioning, and their subsequent operation.

Range of Services

Black Cat offers a range of services from Engineering Consultancy, Feasibility, Frond End Design (FEED) Studies, Detailed Design and Engineering (DOE) with disciplines including Civil, Structural, Mechanical (Static/ rotating) Technical drawings and specification preparation, piping/ pipelines, and controls, electrical and instrumentation.

The Basis

The basis on which BCCES works is that all our engineers must have experience not only in design of these facilities, but in the practical aspects related to constructability, commissioning, and their subsequent operation.

Key Success

The key success observed is that design of a system must not only cater for the design intent or throughput of the facility, but to the practical startup, operational, and maintainability aspects of the system.

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