Health & Safety
For Black Cat, nothing is more important than the health and safety of our employees, clients, partners and the general public.
01. Overview
02. The 8 Objectives
03. Bureau Veritas
04. HSE Results
Our health and safety programmes are made up of clear
and effective procedures that we do not compromise:
risk analysis before the start of each project, an action
plan and preventive measures for each mandate. This is
how we minimize accidents and the prevent the
_ What we believe
We at Black Cat believe all major incidents that can cause harm or loss are preventable. We as an organization are fully committed to achieving our health and safety aspiration of Zero Harm. Black Cat also believe that attaining a world class performance in health and safety is critical to the success and sustainability of our business.
_ Our Commitment
We are committed to zero tolerance to risks and hazards and take a proactive approach towards maintaining high HSE standards at all times and have zero tolerance to risks and accidents.
_ Our Goal
Our goal is to be recognized as an industry leader delivering industry best health and safety performance.
The 8 Objectives
Black Cat will achieve the 8 objectives as follows:
Giving health and safety prevailing status over all our activities and being willing to stop or delay any work where effective risk management controls are not in place.
Being constantly aware of our major incident and health risks, ensuring the correct designs, plans, actions and competency requirements are in place to enable our people the opportunity to eliminate or control them.
Complying with all relevant laws, regulations and standards including Black Cat’s own “Life Saving Rules”, and ensuring responsible standards are in place where they do not exist.
Learning from our performance to continuously improve our processes, work practices and behaviors and sharing our lessons learned with others.
Setting internal targets which drive us to continually improve our health and safety performance.
Reporting our health and safety performance openly and transparently.
Engaging contractors and suppliers who share our values and work with them to consistently meet our health and safety expectation.
Creating and sustaining a culture that empowers and rewards our workforce to act in accordance with this policy.
Bureau Veritas
We are proud to have received numerous awards and certificates of appreciation which reflects our commitment to working under national and international regulations and standards and maintaining a safe working environment.

HSE Results
Q4/2021 Staff Survey.
I have the knowledge and skills to do my job safely
I am encouraged to speak up if I feel something is unsafe
This organization is making effective improvements to its systems while keeping staff safe